www.qhk.org 2024-7-4 new |
本网站只有一个内容,我的想法:创立国际语言组织,推动人类语言进步,推动人类历史发展到高度文明历史阶段 There is only one content on this website, and my idea is: Establishing an international language organization to promote the progress of human language and advance human history to a highly civilized historical stage |
International Language Organization (under establishment) |
My main job in establishing the International Language Organization is to strive to connect with a country around the world to accept my ideas and establish the organization in its capital. I will invest in the construction of the International Language Organization headquarters building.
Friends, come on! Help me connect with any country, realize my ideals, contribute to the birth of the International Language Organization, move forward courageously, and make contributions. I will honor the International Language Organization that I am born in the future. The founding history of the International Language Organization is a part of world history. Write your name in the founding history of the International Language Organization with your achievements, in world history. Founder of International Language Organization gaigailun
世界第一大 投资项目 【International Language Organization Headquarters Building】国际语言组织总部大厦 【ILO International Hotel】ILO国际大酒店 【Proposa】创立国际语言组织的建议书 【Protocol (Draft)】议定书(草稿) 【Financing prospectus】融资说明书 重要规定 【Financing prospectus】国际语言组织终身名誉主席的确定办法和待遇 【Financing prospectus】悬赏一亿美元 【Financing prospectus】关于破坏国际语言组织创立的坏人的定罪 |
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欢迎朋友们热情积极参与国际语言组织的创立,勇往直前,建功立业,用你的卓越的功绩把你的名字写在国际语言组织的创立的历史上,写在世界历史上,我在未来诞生的国际语言组织给大家授勋。 国际语言组织创始人gaigailun |
1,手机13522514010 China Mobile phone: +86 13522514010 2, mail: gaigailun@163.com 3,抖音:gaigailun 4,PayPal 贝宝: gaigailun@163.com 5,Alipay 支付宝: 13522514010 6,微信(wechat):gaigailun 微信公众号 (Wechat Public Number): gjyyzz 7,QQ395974987(gaigailun) |
网站版权所有 国际语言组织创始人概概论 Website copyright reserved by the gaigailun founder of the International Language Organization |